Deploy Your Simplyblock Now
Install Control Plane
Management nodes manage and monitor the storage cluster. They provide the provisioning API and self-healing capabilities. You need at least one node. For production use, you must have at least three nodes.
> curl -L | bash > pip install sbcli --upgrade > sbcli cluster create
Install Simplyblock Helm Chart
Running Simplyblock in Kubernetes is as easy as deploying our helm chart. It will install multiple components, but most importantly the storage node pods, as well as our Kubernetes CSI driver.
> CLUSTER_UUID="<uuid>" > CLUSTER_SECRET="<secret>" > CNTR_ADDR="<control-plane-addr>" > POOL_NAME="<pool-name>" > helm repo add simplyblock-csi > helm repo update > helm install -n simplyblock-csi --create-namespace simplyblock-csi simplyblock-csi/spdk-csi \ --set csiConfig.simplybk.uuid=${CLUSTER_UUID} \ --set csiConfig.simplybk.ip=${CNTR_ADDR} \ --set csiSecret.simplybk.secret=${CLUSTER_SECRET} \ --set logicalVolume.pool_name=${POOL_NAME} \ --set storagenode.create=true
Install Storage Nodes
Storage nodes are the workhorses of a Simplyblock cluster. They store and manage data and parity chunks. You need at least one node. For production use, you must have at least four nodes.
> curl -L | bash > pip install sbcli --upgrade > sbcli sn deploy
Install Management Nodes
Management nodes manage and monitor the storage cluster. They provide the provisioning API and self-healing capabilities. You need at least one node. For production use, you must have at least three nodes.
> STOR_IPS="<,,>" > pip install sbcli --upgrade > sbcli cluster deploy --storage-nodes ${STOR_IPS}
Install Simplyblock CSI Driver Helm Chart
Our Kubernetes CSI driver seamlessly integrates simplyblock into Kubernetes. If you want your Kubernetes Persistent Volumes to be able to use simplyblock, quickly install the CSI driver and start provisioning.
> CLUSTER_UUID="<uuid>" > CLUSTER_SECRET="<secret>" > CNTR_ADDR="<control-plane-addr>" > POOL_NAME="<pool-name>" > helm repo add simplyblock-csi > helm repo update > helm install -n simplyblock-csi --create-namespace simplyblock-csi simplyblock-csi/spdk-csi \ --set csiConfig.simplybk.uuid=${CLUSTER_UUID} \ --set csiConfig.simplybk.ip=${CNTR_ADDR} \ --set csiSecret.simplybk.secret=${CLUSTER_SECRET} \ --set logicalVolume.pool_name=${POOL_NAME}